Entomologists Directory

Back in 2003 when I was doing my undergraduate, I spammed contacted all the insect taxonomists I could find and asked them if they would be willing to provide identifications on material from Colombia. One hundred and ten people answered my call. Their names, group of expertise, and contact information, as ten years ago, are listed below.


• ENRIQUE GONZALEZ SORIANO (Mexico) esoriano@ibunam.ibiologia.unam.mx, libelula1mx@yahoo.com, esoriano@ibunam.ibiologia.unam.mx  
• NICK DONELLY (USA) tdonnel@binghamton.edu  
JHON ABBOT (USA) jcabbott@mail.utexas.edu


• JULIO RIVERA (Peru)  19960081@lamolina.edu.pe


• PAUL BROCK (England)  Paul@pbrock40.fsnet.co.uk  


• YVES ROISIN (Belgium) yroisin@ulb.ac.be  


STEFANO FENOGLIO (Italy) s.fenoglio@isiline.it


RICARDO PALMA (New Zealand) ricardop@tepapa.govt.nz http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/our_resources/Bugs/collection_bugs.html


DANIEL PECK (Colombia) Cercopoidea d.peck@cgiar.org
FREDERIC CHEROT (Belgium) Miridae Fcherot@ulb.ac.be
JOE EGER (USA) Pentatomoidea jeeger@dowagro.com
DAVID A. RIDER Pentatomoidea David.Rider@ndsu.nodak.edu
HARRY BRAILOVSKY (Mexico) Coreidae and Largidae coreidae@servidor.unam.mx
PIETER VAN DOESBURG (Holland) Pentatomidea, Gen. Edessa phvdoes@hetnet.nl
JITKA VILIMOVA Pentatomidae vilim@natur.cuni.cz
ERNST HEISS Aradidae e.heiss@tyrol.at
GEERT GOEMANS (Belgium) Fulgoridae geert.goemans@lin.vlaanderen.be ggoemans@gmail.com
PAUL FREYTAG Cicadellidae pfreytag@ix.netcom.com
DIEGO LEONARDO CARPINTERO (Argentina) Dipsocoromorpha, Enicocephalomorpha and Cimicomorpha dcarpint@museo.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
MANUEL BAENA (Spain) Reduviidae jsusin@chopo.pntic.mec.es
JEAN-MICHEL BERENGER (France) Reduviidae jmberenger@wanadoo.fr
VINTON THOMPSON (USA) Cercopoidea vthompso@acfsysv.roosevelt.edu vthompso@roosevelt.edu


JOSE LUIS NAVARRETE-HEREDIA (Mexico) Staphylinidae, Silphidae, y other fungi related coleopterans.  glenusmx@yahoo.com.mx  snavarre@maiz.cucba.udg.mx
ERIC VAN DEN BERGHE (Nicaragua) Cicindelidae and Carabidae, Gen. Calosoma ericvdb@avemaria.edu.ni tomeric@ibw.com.ni
TERRY L. ERWIN (USA) Carabidae mnhen045@sivm.si.edu erwin.terry@nmnh.si.edu
MIKAEL SÖRENSSON (Sweden) Ptilidae Mikael.Sorensson@zool.lu.se
GERARDO ARRIAGADA (Chile) Histeridae and Saprininae gerardoarriagada@terra.cl
PAUL SCHOOLMEESTERS (Belgium) Dung beetles schoolp@online.be http://users.online.be/~schoolp/index.html http://www.coleoptera.org./p735.htm
DAVID EDMONDS (USA) Scarabaeinae especially phanaeines wdedmonds@csupomona.edu
ENRICO BARBERO (Italy) Trogidae and Geotrupidae Bolboceratinae barbero@dba.unito.it
PEDRO GNASPINI (Brasil) Cholevidae (=Leiodidae Cholevinae) gnaspini@ib.usp.br http://www.ib.usp.br/~gnaspini
MANUEL DIÉGUEZ M. (Chile) Trogidae disal_gerencia@disal.cl
CHUCK BELLAMY (USA) Buprestidae cbellamy@nhm.org bellamy@nfi.org.za
WOLFGANG RUCKER (Germany) Latridiidae coleoptera@ruecker-latridiidae.de info@latridiidae.de http://www.latridiidae.de
ALISTAIR S. RAMSDALE (USA) Cantharoidea/ Malacodermata especially Cantharidae, Lycidae, Phengodidae and Lampyridae ramsdale@entomology.wisc.edu
ANDREAS HERRMANN (Germany) Dermestidae herrmann@coleopterologie.de http://www.dermestidae.com
GIANFRANCO CURLETTI (Italy) Buprestidae, only Gen. Agrilus musnat@comune.carmagnola.to.it giancurletti@tiscalinet.it http://www.storianaturale.org
THIERRY NEEF DE SAINVAL (Belgium) Buprestidae sainval@skynet.be
PAUL J. JOHNSON (U.S.A) Elateroidea and Byrrhidae elater@BROOKINGS.NET paul_johnson@sdstate.edu
VRATISLAV RICHARD EUGENE MARIA JOHN BAPTIST (Australia) Tenebrionidae incl Lagriidae, Alleculidae y Zopheridae ricardo@ans.com.au http://www.coleoptera.org
DONALD WINDSOR (USA) Chrysomelidae, esp. Chrysomelinae, Cassidinae, Hispinae. WINDSORD@tivoli.si.edu
JEFFREY P. HUETHER (USA) Meloidae jhmeloid@hotmail.com
JOHN KINGSOLVER Bruchidae bruchid@aol.com
UBIRAJARA R.MARTINS (Brasil) Cerambycidae quiqui97@uol.com.br
MIGUEL MONNE (Brasil) Cerambycidae monne@uol.com.br
DAVID FURTH (USA) Chrysomelidae, Alticinae only at genus level Furth.David@NMNH.SI.EDU
LECH BOROWIEC (Poland) Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae cassidae@biol.uni.wroc.pl www.biol.uni.wroc.pl/cassidae
ROBERTO MIGNANI (Italy) Bolboceratidae, Dynastidae Dynastinae and Cerambycidae Prioninae. mignani@fis.uniroma3.it
FRANCK DUHALDEBORDE (France) franckduhal@oreka.com franckduhal@infonie.fr
DMITRY TELNOV (Letonia) Anthicidae yTrictenotomidae telnov@parks.lv http://www.lubi.edu.lv/les/main.htm http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/telnov.htm
JOSE RICARDO M. MERMUDES (Brasil) Anthribidae mermudes@bio.ufpr.br
BORIS BUECHE (Germany) Anobiidae excl. Ptininae h0444la3@student.hu-berlin.de
PEDRO REYES-CASTILLO (Mexico) Passalidae, Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Rhyparini. reyespe@ecologia.edu.mx
FINBARRR HORGAN (Canada) Scarabaeidae specially Coprini and Onthophagini boniga@hotmail.com
BRETT RATCLIFFE (USA) Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae, Cetoniinae and Rutelinae. bratcliffe1@unl.edu
MARY LIZ JAMESON (USA) Scarabaeidae:Rutelinae. mjameson1@unl.edu
FEDERICO OCAMPO (Argentina) Scarabaeoidea: Hybosoridae. federico.ocampo@gmail.com 
ANTONIO SANTOS-SILVA (Brasil) Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Parandrinae and Prioninae toncris@zaz.com.br
JUAN ANTONIO DELGADO (Spain) Hydraenidae, especially larvae jdelgado@um.es


JUAN CARLOS NAVARRO (Venezuela) Culicidae jnavarro@strix.ciens.ucv.ve
GARY J. STECK (USA) Tephritidae steckg@doacs.state.fl.us
BRIAN V. BROWN (USA) Phoridae bbrown@nhm.org
FRANCISCO COLLANTES (Spain) Psychodidae fcollant@fcu.um.es fcollant@um.es
MARTA WOLFF (Colombia) Psychodidae, Gen. Lutzomyia mwolff@matematicas.udea.edu.co
ATILANO CONTRERAS RAMOS (Mexico) Diptera: Tipulidae acramos@uaeh.reduaeh.mx acontreras_ramos@hotmail.com
DALTON DE SOUZA AMORIM (Brasil) Mycetophiloidea, Anisopodidae, Scatopsidae dsamorim@usp.br
CHARLES MACVEAN (Guatemala) Agromyzidae cmacvean@uvg.edu.gt
AURA CECILIA BURGOS Trichoptera (Colombia) aburgos88@hotmail.com aurace@starmedia.com


LUIS MIGUEL CONSTANTINO (Colombia) Rhopalocera lmcons@hotmail.com
GABRIEL RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA (Colombia) gabrieldimera@yahoo.com
ANDREW NEILD (United Kingdom) Nymphalidae (S.L.) andrew.neild@cableinet.co.uk andrew.neild@bigfoot.com
JOHN E. RAWLINS (USA) Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, and others rawlinsj@carnegiemuseums.org http://www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmnh/iz/main.htm
KIRBY L. WOLFE (USA) Saturnidae kirwolfe@pacbell.net
JACQUELINE Y. MILLER (USA) jmiller@virtu.sar.usf.edu
MICHEL LAGUERRE (France) Arctiidae michel.laguerre@iecb-polytechnique.u-bordeaux.fr
OLAF H. H. MIELKE (Brasil) Hesperiidae omhesp@bio.ufpr.br
MIRNA M. CASAGRANDE (Brasil) Nymphalidae (Brassolinae) mibras@bio.ufpr.br
MATTHEW J. C. BARNES (United Kingdom) Pyralidae, Geometridae and Arctiidae. mbarnes@dircon.co.uk http://www.biologytuition.co.uk http://www.tropicalmoths.org
JOHN GREHAN (USA) Hepialidae jrg13@psu.edu
JOHN HEPPNER Heterocera jbhatl@aol.com
JORGE BIZARRO (Brasil) Nymphalidae bizarro@bio.ufpr.br
CHRIS CONLAN (USA) Saturnidae conlan@adnc.com
JEAN HAXAIRE (France) Sphingidae jean.haxaire@libertysurf.fr
VITOR O. BECKER (Brasil) Heterocera specially micro vbecker@serrabonita.org
STEPHEN R. STEINHAUSER (USA) Hesperidae stevrstein@webtv.net
RONALD BRABANT (Belgium) Ithomiidae, Riodinidae, Pieridae: Catasticta h.bischler.r. brabant@wanadoo.be
FABIO VITALE (Italy) Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae and Ithomiinae fabio_vitale@tin.it http://digilander.iol.it/phalaecus/


ANDRES RICARDO SANTAMARIA (Colombia) Apidae apidae@uol.com.co apidae_andres@latinmail.com
CLAUS RASMUSSEN (Peru) Colletidae, Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae and Megachilidae alrunen@yahoo.com
BOLÍVAR RAFAEL GARCETE BARRETT (Paraguay) Vespidae (including Masarinae, Eumeninae y Polistinae), Leucospidae and Sphecidae s.l. bolosphex@sce.cnc.una.py www.geocities.com/bolosphex/ www.geocities.com/bmnhnpy/
GIAN LUCA AGNOLI (Italy) Chrysididae, Cleptidae, Methochinae http://www.chrysis.net info@chrysis.net
CHRISTOPHER K. STARR (Trinidad and Tobago) Vespidae ckstarr99@hotmail.com http://www.uwi.tt:8081/lifesci/index.htm
JOHN NOYES (United Kingdom) Chalcidoidea jsn@NHM.ac.uk 
DON MANLEY (USA) Mutillidae dmanley@clemson.edu
JOHN HUBER (Canada) Mymaridae huberjh@em.agr.ca
CELSO OLIVEIRA AZEVEDO (Brasil) Bethylidae, and small families of Chrysidoidea. cazevedo@npd.ufes.br
SCOTT R. SHAW (USA) Braconidae y Megalyridae braconid@uwyo.edu
YVES BRAET (Belgium) Braconidae yves.braet@just.fgov.be ybraet@yahoo.fr yves.braet@skynet.be
LYNN S. KIMSEY (USA) Tiphiidae y Chrysididae lskimsey@ucdavis.edu
DAVID R. SMITH (USA) Symphyta, Aulacidae dsmith@sel.barc.usda.gov
SÉBASTIEN PATINY (Belgium) Melittidae, Halictidae and Andrenidae patiny.s@fsagx.ac.be
GÉRARD DELVARE (France) Chalcididae gerard.delvare@cirad.fr
DANUNCIA URBAN (Brasil) Hymenoptera: Eucerinae, Anthophoridae and Anthidiinae, Megachilidae urban@bio.ufpr.br.
JAMES M. CARPENTER (USA) Vespidae carpente@amnh.org
EDWARD O. WILSON (USA) Formicidae ewilson@oeb.harvard.edu
JOHN E. LATTKE (Venezuela) Formicidae piquihuye@hotmail.com
FERNANDO FERNÁNDEZ (Colombia) Formicidae ffernandez@humbolt.org.co
GORDON C. SNELLING Formicidae, Dorylinae mrmacophyl@southwest.net

Education and training

Postdoctoral researcher in taxonomy, molecular phylogenetics, and phylogeography. 2011-2013. Rhodes University, South Africa.

PhD in Entomology. 2007-2011. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA.

MSc in Biology. 2005-2007. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, USA.

BSc in Biology. Major in Entomology. 1998-2005. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Field Expeditions

2013-2014 Tanzania
2011-2013 South Africa
2010 Mexico
2010 Guatemala
2010 El Salvador
2010 Honduras
2010 Nicaragua
2009 Guatemala
2008 Belize
2007 Colombia
2006 Bolivia
2006 Ghana
2005-2011 USA
1980-2005 Colombia
Since December 12 2001
Last update November 02 2013